
Showing posts from November, 2018

Beautify Your Home Interiors with Stone Look Ceramic Tiles

ESSENTIALS WHITE VENA 12X24 MATTE It is kind of a big deal to design your home uniquely, isn't it? Well, homeowners, today have started putting double the effort to give a facelift for their interiors. Be it with attractive features on the walls or with fancy furniture. Let us introduce you to an even better option for the visual impact. Stone-look ceramic tiles are actually a great choice for interior design which can be used in any nook and corner of the house. Imagine your bathroom floors or living room walls adorned by these beauties! They give a glossy and shiny look and also come in different styles and sizes. For example, you can choose a pale orange shaded tiles for your kitchen or even your living room floors and give a fresh look to it. Let us see how and where these tiles are being used in modern day home - Stone ceramic tiles have been quite in use for modern kitchen design as well as for the dining rooms. Contemporary kitchen cabinets and also bathroom wall

How To Clean Limestone Floor Tiles Easily

COASTAL SAND 18X18 HONED LIMESTONE Limestone tiles for flooring is a regal choice for sure! But it does need some caring to maintain its regality for a lifetime. Not only in terms of aesthetics, but you will also want to keep them intact and prevent any kind of damage, right? So here are some quick and simple tips on how to clean your Limestone Floor Tiles easily and effectively. If you want to keep the tiles look clean and fresh then you will have to maintain it on the regular basis. You will have to use a cleanser with neutral pH so that it will not be too much alkaline or acidic to react with the limestone. DO NOT use lemon juice, vinegar, washing soda or baking soda! You will have to dry clean the floor first, and then use warm water and castile soap to create a cleansing solution that is non-abrasive. If there are any tough stains on the floor then you need to go for deep cleansing. Do not scrape or scrub as it may cause scratches on the stone, (and y

Features Of Slate Tile Floorings

CALIFORNIA GOLD 12X12 GAUGED Slate is a natural Stone that can be graded like other naturally occurring stones. Depending on the process of mining, the quality varies. For example, the best quality slate is found deep under the Earth’s surface. It has to be mined, and hence the slate tiles that are made from this grade of slate stone are automatically a bit costly. Whereas slate stones that are found near the surface of Earth are subjected to different environmental situations. Rain, temperature, etc., Make the slate stone porous. So the slate tiles made from this grade of slate are less costly as these are easy to acquire. Features of slate tile floorings High quality slate tile floorings are non slippery and resistant to heat and shock  High quality slate tiles are stain resistant  Slate tile flooring can stay as it is for the entire lifespan of the house  Easy to care and maintain. You just need to broom normally and mop with detergent.  The difficulty level of install

Top 5 Tips for Selecting Bedroom Tiles

Your bedroom is the sweetest place in your sweet home. Any doubt? So, don’t you think that it is essential to create an awesome interior of your bedroom to make it cosier and more elegant? If you are looking forward to making your bedroom interior eye-catchy, then you need the best bedroom tiles suitable for your bedroom. How to make your bedroom decent with bedroom tiles? Thickness matters- Before selecting the bedroom tiles understand the thickness of the tiles. There are five thickness categories, naming, Class I, Class II, Class III, Class IV, and Class V. Generally, Class II is the best for using as bedroom tiles. Bedroom tiles porosity- The porosity of the tiles matter. The more the porosity, the more the tiles will absorb water. So, better to select bedroom tiles with a porosity between 0.5-3%. Slip resistant- Ensure that the bedroom tiles you are using are slip resistant. It may bring unwanted accidents. So check the co-efficient of friction or COF. Also, try grabbin

How to Remove Mold and Mildew Marble Floors

WHITE OAK 12X24 HONED MARBLE Characteristically, molds and mildew exist on wooden and fabric surfaces. However, due to non-maintenance, excess dampness, and uncleanliness, mold can also grow on a marble surface. If you also have one such floor on your home, the tips suggested in this blog will help you rid of the presence of any kind of fungi – Dry Up – One great reason for the growth of mold is dampness and moisture. So, one great solution is to dry up the place where you see the signs of mold. You could use room heater, blower, etc. devices for this purpose. The idea is to evaporate all the moisture from the area. Search for and fix leaking pipes – Water leaks create a whole lot of mess in our house. They are easy to fix when you can see water. But, when there is a small, invisible leak somewhere in the water supply pipe, it is hard to locate and fix. Try to find leaks around the area where you see the signs of mildew. Once found, fix it up. Scrub – After fixing the leak

How To Clean Ceramic Floor Tiles?

NAPA 12X24 STONE LOOK CERAMIC Ceramic tiles are a quite popular building material. A large number of people choose to install ceramic tiles on their flooring and wall. They are durable; available in almost all colors and textures; also available in themed styles such as wood-look, fabric-look, etc.; easy to install; and affordable. In addition to these, these tiles demand basic care and maintenance in order to meet your expectations and sustain. Ceramic Floor Maintenance Tips – Broom/vacuum your floor on routine basis. The idea is to remove dust particles from the floor. Dust particles although are tiny, they can scratch and cause potential damage to your floor. So, it is very important to the floor surface dust free. Mop after dusting. Every time you sweep/vacuum your floor, do mop it as well. It adds to the shine of floor surface. Mix a mild detergent in lukewarm water and use a good quality, non-abrasive mop to rub and apply on the floor. Change the water when you see it d

Which Sort of Special Accessory Should We Get For The Sink?

There is a major kitchen brand manufacturer that specializes in producing the best kitchen accessories that comes from a long list of showrooms demonstrating plenty of showrooms in the district.  Once you have gotten a general idea on what type of kitchen accessory you want to get after visiting the showroom or browsing through a website that deals in kitchen accessories, you can start planning on which replacement parts you want to get for the sink. Probably, it could be just the head but you want a brand new design as your head is beyond repair. However, make sure you discuss with your family members before attempting to get the accessory. With outstanding services, there will be free shipping as well as a great offer for pricing. There is always a way to make the house improve and make the building experience easier and much cheaper. There are also services for projects for home renovations and there is no way that the orders that you place are too small or too large. Kitche