Best Practices To Seal Travertine Stone Tiles

Earlier this month, we did a post – “Why It Is Important to Seal Travertine Stone Flooring and Wall”. In the blog post, we had made a promise that we would be doing a how to guide on sealing travertine stone. So, here it is. Check out the following pointers that offer some of the best practices to seal travertine stone tile – Use sponge or clean cotton towel to apply the sealant. You could also use a paint brush, paint pad, or sprayer. Wear goggles, gloves, and other safety gear to avoid touching the sealer. Remove the sealant residues from the travertine surface after five minutes. Use a microfiber cloth for this. If you are applying a second layer of sealer, allow at least 30 minutes (or as directed by sealer manufacturer) to dry the first layer. After the second layer, if there is a need for another layer of sealant, wait for at least 4 to 5 hours. Once the job is done, it is time to check if you have done it correctly. For this, pour some water on the stone surface (on a ...