Are Recycled Glass Tiles Cost Effective?

Various smaller pieces of glass bottles and jars that cannot be recycled into developing other jars or bottles are recycled in making tiles. The glasses that ended up in landfills are collected, cleaned and sorted as per their types and colors. 

Since different types of glasses show a different kind of reactions to heating as well as cooling, similar types of glasses are exposed to heat and cold to make them a uniform mass.


The tiles made from recycled glass have a translucent appearance and they are available in various colors and styles. Hence they are installed in various applications to add beauty to the room.

Moisture resistant

Since they are resistant to moisture and various chemicals; they are widely used in bathrooms and kitchen. These tiles are easy to clean as well.


One of the prime concern related to these tiles is that these tiles are quite expensive and their prices ranges owing to their types. 

However, if one wishes to install them, they can use them for creating borders and accent on a wall, instead of covering an entire wall. In this way, installing recycled glass tiles can save a lot of expenses.

The recycles glass tiles are environmental-friendly and hence are quite popular among people, who wanted to use eco-friendly products for designing their interiors and by installing them wisely, one can make cost-effective use of these tiles.

Recycled glass tiles are affordable and cost-effective both, due to many of the factors explained above. Looking to buy them for your project?, one of the leading suppliers of natural stones and tiles in the US, offers a range of recycled glass tiles. Check out today!
