Difference between Porous and Non-Porous Natural Stones

Technically, every natural stone is porous. There are innumerable tiny pores on natural stone tiles. It is a natural characteristic of natural stones.

But, then, there are natural stones available that have no pores at all. Why is that so? There could be two reasons behind that. First, it is a natural stone look tile. And second, there is a surface finish applied to the stone tile that is blocking its pores.

In this blog, we will understand the basic differences between porous and non-porous natural stone tiles –

Porous –

  • It is completely natural. These tiles are just cut from rock blocks (and sometimes, honed) to have an even surface.
  • Porous stone tiles should not be used in heavy traffic areas and in bathrooms and kitchens. The pores can trap dust and debris, and become a reason for mold and milder growth.
  • Porous stones are highly prone to staining and damages.

Non-Porous –

  • Non-porous stone tiles have their pores block by a strong surface finish.
  • It has a smooth surface with no open pores and with that, zero possibility of staining and chipping.
  • Non porous natural stone tiles are easy to clean and maintain. In addition to that, they do not promote to growth and presence of bacteria and mold.

Looking to buy stone tiles? Visit MosaicsAndTile.com, one of the leading stone suppliers in US.
