Mistakes to Avoid While Sealing Natural Stones

Sealing is an evitable maintenance routine for natural stone surfaces. You have to get your floors, counters, backsplashes, etc. sealed in order to protect them from stains and maintaining their look and durability.

However, people make a lot of mistakes while sealing their stone tiles, such as –

Cleaning the Wrong Way –

When you are going to seal your stone flooring, you have to perform a deep clean, because, it is important to remove all the dust, dirt, and debris from the floor.

Sealing with dust and dirt trapped on the floor will seal them permanently.

Wrong Cleansers –

Using wrong cleaning solutions can also create a big mess on your stone tiles. They might cause discoloration and can even damage the protective finish on the stone.

So, before using a cleanser for the first time, it is advisable to test its side effects on a small area on your floor.

Using the Wrong Polish or Sealant –

This is the most terrible of all mistakes! No matter how well you have maintained your floor, if you use wrong sealant, you will risk it all.

When you are on this job, you will need to make sure that (i) you are using the sealant that is suitable for your stone material, (ii) you have the right tools, and (iii) you let the sealant settle on the floor before using it again.

This blog has been brought to you by MosaicsAndTile.com, one of the leading stone tile suppliers in US.
