What If I Use Gloss Tiles In My Kitchen?

Gloss tiles are those popular shiny tiles that have a glass-like reflective finish. Their super smooth and shin surface is designed to brighten up your indoor ambiance.

They are the queen of illusion. They make your small rooms appear larger with their mirror-like reflect.

So, if you use gloss or glossy tiles in your kitchen, you can expect these things to happen in your kitchen –

Bigger Space –

Not exactly bigger. You will have a space that feels bigger than its actual size. If you have a small kitchen, then this is right type of tile to use on your walls and backsplash. This will create an illusion of more space.

Less Power Consumption –

Since it is shiny and reflective, your kitchen will tend to require fewer electric lights and bulbs. This will potentially reduce the annual power consumption in your kitchen, and with that your power bills too.

Bright Ambiance –

The shine and reflect of these tiles will make your kitchen shine up on their own. There will be more light and brightness in your kitchen if you choose to have glossy tiles on your kitchen wall.

Simple Cleaning –

This is the most interesting one. The gloss in reality is molten (rubber) glass polish applied on porcelain or ceramic tile. It stiffens after drying. So, it looks like a shiny glass surface.

Glass is not a porous surface, and it is technically impossible to stain glass surfaces. And even if some spills dry in the glass surface, you can easily remove them without applying much elbow grease.

So, using gloss tiles in your kitchen is going to be a smart decision.

Looking to buy gloss tiles? Consider MosaicsAndTile.com, one of the leading tile suppliers in US.
