The Best Tile Material for Swimming Pool at Your Hotel

If you are a building a water resort, a hotel, or a vacation home, there is no way you can avoid having a swimming pool on your property!

You’ll see, people who are on a vacation will spend much of their time in or around pool, if it is the right weather. So, as a forward-looking businessman, you will need to make sure –

(i) Your pool is beautiful

(ii) The water is clean and hygienic

(iii) Pool deck is clean, free from dirt, and non-slippery

(iv)The whole structure of pool and poolside is strong enough to withstand the peak of traffic

Apparently, you will need the best quality material to build a clean, hygienic, and durable pool on your property. And when we say that, we intend to bring your attention toward the right tile material.

The Best tile for Your Pool

Your pool structure should be able to withstand splashes of water, maintain slip resistance, and avoid water- and moisture-damage. That means, your pool tiles should be water resistant and slip resistant – both at the same time.

But is it possible for a surface to be both at the same time? Yes, it is.

Ceramic and Porcelain tiles have a smooth, non-porous surface that remains unharmed from water and moisture even when exposed for an extended duration. There is a whole range of slip-resistant waterproof ceramic and porcelain tiles, which you can consider for your pool and other wet and watery areas like bathroom, kitchen, and laundry.

Natural stones make a great choice for building inviting and awe-inspiring pool decks. They are naturally slip resistant. Apart from that, they are strong and highly durable. They come with a promise of decades’ long performance. Though, you will need to seal them every year to maintain their look and strength.

In addition to these, you can also use glass tiles for pool walls. These tiles have a superior reflect and make your pool shine and appear larger.

Looking to buy tiles for pool and pool deck? Visit, one of the leading tile suppliers in US.
